Vanguard gallery

ARTIST | Ye linghan will participate group exhibition《Chine, art en mouvement 》

Duration: 2017.6.1 – 10.2

Avenu: Château d’Annecy Musée lacs et montagnes


About Artist:

Most of Ye Lingan’s works are derived from his animation creation, which carry strong symbol features and the fragmentation of the sense of time and space. Ye drew a lot of seemingly obscure of columns or other objects with the purpose to reveal the intangible influence and intervention of daily objects on us and our dilemma and desperation. However, memory has preserved their shape, which is superimposed or “anamorphic” in a vague state.



Ye Linghan, Last Experimental Flying Object,  Animation by hand drawing and photo made Material : water color,  7’23’’ , 2007