Vanguard gallery

“Single Copy”- a Hsu Che-Yu’s work , only on NOWNESS

Out of Blueprints : Single Copy

Artist: HSU CHE-YU

Duration: 2020/4/24- 2020/5/9
Video Link:

Contemporary artist Hsu Che-Yu reconstructs the body and memories of Taiwan’s most famous conjoined twin.
In 1979, three-year-old Chang Chung-Jen and Chang Chung-I were the first conjoined twins to be surgically separated in Taiwan. The surgery lasted for 12 hours of which the whole procedure was broadcasted. The twins had been paid an enomous attention since. In 2019, a year meant to mark the 40th anniversary of the twins’ separation, Chang Chung-Jen suddenly died of a brain haemorrhage.
In this work “Single Copy”, artist recreated a memory by remodeling the body of the surviving brother of 43 years old, and constructing his body profile using 3D printing technology. 
Filmed by Taipei-based contemporary artist Hsu Che-Yu, Single Copy contemplates the relationship between the body, memory and doubling from the perspective of the surviving brother. Through his peridic motions, for instance, wandering around the abandoened bus, folding and unfolding a napkin, or moving with a three-wheel scooter, artist exhibits the importance of repetition and replication.